About Me
I Had Hit Rock Bottom, “How Did I Get Here?”
I Had Hit Rock Bottom,
“How Did I Get Here?”
Over a decade ago, I hit rock bottom. I was ready to end my marriage of over 20 years. At this point, I was extremely depressed and anxious. I had frequent passive suicidal thoughts and ideations. I was broke, faced with threats of foreclosure, possible homelessness while raising teenage children who were also facing their own painful struggles.
The effects of many years of self neglect & abandonment, people pleasing and trying to control my life had finally caught up with me. I knew that if I did not do something, I would die spiritually, emotionally and even possibly physically.
At this point, I was completely drained and did not have the strength to care about what people said or thought about me anymore, I just wanted out of the nightmare I was in. Many years of a performance driven life, hiding my struggles in an attempt to please people while covering trauma with success left me completely worn out. I often went to bed secretly wishing that I would not wake up the following morning
Clarity Through Surrender
Clarity Through Surrender
I finally ran to God and cried out for help! I then realized that my service to God in the past was actually an attempt to escape from my thoughts, emotions and chaotic life. Now, it also made sense why and how God had prepared my heart during the past few years prior to leading to this moment.
He is all knowing, and He definitely knew that my heart needed to be softened so that I could bow and surrender to Him when I faced my breaking point.
The coping mechanisms we develop in an attempt to live with trauma harden our hearts over time. They form mindsets formed by lies and distortions. The inner wounds lead to unforgiveness, bitterness, anger and shame. God answered my prayers by helping me understand how I had gotten here, and showed me that if I allowed Him to be in control of my life, I would live a better future that He always had for me.
He led me to celebrate recovery and freedom classes at my church. He led me to a new community of believers that were also pursuing their own recovery and healing. We talked about emotional and mental health in church which was new for me. After I started experiencing my own breakthrough in healing, I also developed a desire to help others. This led me to pursue a doctorate degree in biblical counseling and become a therapist, then progressed to become a Kingdom life Coach, on emotional and Spiritual health.
Today, I enjoy peace and joy. I communicate better and have overcome the fear of rejection and failure. Although I am an introvert, I enjoy social gatherings more, and my relationships are healthier. I practice gratitude daily and I have developed compassion for others. I help others who are experiencing challenges in the area of their emotions and mental health. I have served in leadership positions in a number of freedom ministries in various churches helping women break free and make peace with their past.
I am a Christian speaker and author who is often invited to various platforms to discuss emotional and spiritual health. I have been an internet radio show host, and currently I am making a difference through coaching, mentoring and creating content on social media platforms.
My goal as a coach is to help individuals stop self-sabotage behaviors and take back their power to become who God created them to be.
Declaration of Breakthrough
Declaration of Breakthrough
Questions I ask myself often are: Where would I be if I had not taken a different course to change my life? What would my relationship with my family and friends be like? Would I be doing what I am doing to help others heal?
I hope you ask the same questions too; how your future will look like if you do not change what you are doing currently?
I experienced severe anxiety, depression and I was involved in a toxic marriage characterized with physical and emotional abuse.
I sabotaged relationships, career opportunities and often felt stuck, stressed and confused. I hated attending social gatherings, and when I did, I became very nervous and often triggered. I had difficulty creating and maintaining boundaries because of fear of rejection and the need to please people. I coped by being a workaholic, perfectionist and extremely performance driven. I was an over thinker, and at the time I thought it was a virtue, but now i realize it is a toxic way of processing thoughts.
Your Breakthrough
Is Next
Your Breakthrough
Is Next
My passion to help women break free from their chains, and self sabotage behavior patterns is fueled by my own testimony. Most of my life, I struggled with low self esteem, fear of failure, rejection, and I had extreme difficulty relating intimately.
Please click the link below for a breakthrough call with me. I would like to help you take the next step to start changing your life towards your desired future.
By booking this call you will:
- Gain more clarity on what is holding you back towards fulfilling your destiny, and what is at stake if things do not change. My clients often tell me that I gave them the language and insight to their issues
- Gain deeper insight into your dreams, purpose & goals(both professional and personal) and the steps you need to take to achieve them
- Gain knowledge and tools available for you towards taking your next steps
You can experience all this and more… don’t delay!! Book your free breakthrough call with me today.
Other Ways To Work With Me
Other Ways To Work With Me
Let’s get to know each other better. I would like to gift you 3 powerful resources to help you in your journey of restoration.
Free Guide – “3 Simple Steps”
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